Damian Brzeski

Jun 255 min

5 things you must do before traveling

Planning a trip can be both exciting and stressful. To ensure a hassle-free trip, it is worth remembering a few key things. In our article you will find the five most important steps you need to take before every trip.

You'll learn how to make a packing list, take care of your travel documents, plan your itinerary and reservations, prepare a first aid kit, and check the weather forecast and local culture. With us, your trip will not only be successful, but also stress-free!

  1. Make a packing list

  2. Take care of your travel documents

  3. Plan your route and reservations

  4. Prepare a first aid kit and hygiene products

  5. Check the weather forecast and local culture

Make a packing list

Packing can be stressful, but a good packing list will make the task much easier. Before each trip, it's a good idea to make a detailed list to make sure you don't forget anything.

Consider the type of trip - whether it's a short trip, a longer vacation, or a business trip - and tailor your list to your specific needs.

Practical planning tips:

  • Divide your list into categories: clothing, cosmetics, electronics, documents and other essentials.

  • Take into account the weather and planned activities: for example, if you are planning a mountain hike, don't forget about appropriate shoes and clothing.

  • Check what you can buy there: maybe some things, such as cosmetics, can be bought there, which will save space in your luggage.

By staying organized and calm, you will minimize the risk of forgetting anything important, which will allow you to enjoy your trip without stress. Personally, I recommend watching a few guides on folding clothes. Thanks to this, you can increase the amount of clothes you can fit into your suitcase.

I personally use the method of wrapping clothes in a roll, e.g. I wrap T-sherts with underwear inside, and thus create such packages for every day.

Take care of your travel documents

Having valid travel documents is crucial for every trip, regardless of the purpose or length of the trip. Before you set off, make sure all necessary documents are updated and packed.

The most important documents when traveling:

  • Passport and visas: Check the expiration date of your passport and the visa requirements of the country you are traveling to. In some cases, the visa process may take several weeks.

  • ID card: Useful especially when traveling within the European Union.

  • Airline tickets and reservations: Printed or saved electronically.

  • Travel insurance: An insurance policy that will protect you in the event of unexpected events, such as illness or theft.

  • International driving license: If you plan to rent a car abroad, this may be required.

Additional tips and tricks:

  • Document scanning: Make digital copies of your most important documents and store them on your phone and in the cloud.

  • Travel wallet: Use a special document wallet that will allow you to find the things you need easily and quickly.

Thanks to these preparations, you will avoid unpleasant surprises and will be able to enjoy your trip peacefully.

Plan your route and reservations

Carefully planned itineraries and reservations can make your trip smooth and enjoyable. Even if you prefer spontaneous trips, it's worth having some key elements planned in advance.

What else is worth planning before leaving:

  • Accommodation reservations: Search and book accommodations in advance to avoid stress and higher prices on site. Check reviews from other travelers to choose the best options.

  • Transport: Book flights, trains, buses, airport transfers or car rentals. Make sure you have all the information you need about schedules and transport conditions.

  • Tourist attractions: If you plan to visit popular places, book your tickets in advance to avoid long lines and the disappointment of not having tickets available.

  • Plan B: Prepare alternative options in case something goes wrong - a canceled flight, a closed museum or changing weather.

Additional tips worth considering:

  • Maps and Apps: Download offline maps and use route planning apps like Google Maps or Rome2Rio.

  • Flexibility: Leave some room for spontaneous decisions and unexpected discoveries.

Thanks to this approach, you will be sure that your trip will go smoothly and you will be able to focus on discovering new places and enjoying the trip.

Prepare a first aid kit and hygiene products

No matter where you are going, a first aid kit and hygiene products should be an integral part of your luggage.

Proper preparation of these things will help you avoid many unpleasant situations while traveling.

What should a travel first aid kit contain:

  • Prescription Medications: Make sure you have enough medications for the duration of your trip. Keep them in their original packaging with your prescriptions. Remember not to put medicines in unlabeled packaging.

  • Painkillers and antipyretics: Such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

  • Medicines for traveler's diseases: Anti-diarrhea, nausea and motion sickness remedies.

  • Disinfectants: Antibacterial gels, wet wipes.

  • Basic dressings: Plasters, bandages, gauze, plasters with dressings, antibacterial ointment.

  • Bite and allergy remedies: Soothing creams, antihistamines.

Hygienic products worth taking with you:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: Take care of your oral hygiene even when traveling.

  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap: Move them to smaller bottles to save space.

  • Quick-drying towel: Light and compact, perfect for travel.

  • Deodorant, face and body creams: Tailored to your needs. However, remember about capacity limits at the airport.

  • Women's hygiene products: Provide comfort and peace of mind during your trip.

Additional tips:

  • Check customs regulations: Make sure all medicines and hygiene products are allowed in the country you are traveling to.

  • Prepare a list of things to replenish: If something runs out, you will know what needs to be purchased.

By keeping these things in mind, you will minimize the risk of health surprises and be able to fully enjoy your trip.

Check the weather forecast and local culture

Before setting out on a trip, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the weather forecast and the specifics of the local culture. Thanks to this, you can better prepare for any surprises and fully enjoy your stay.

Weather forecast:

  • Check the forecast for the entire period of your trip: This will help you choose the right clothes and plan your activities.

  • Be ready for changing conditions: Even if the forecast calls for sun, it is worth taking a light raincoat or an umbrella.

  • Temperature and humidity: These influence travel comfort and clothing requirements.

Local culture and customs:

  • Customs and traditions: Knowledge of local customs will allow you to better understand the locals and avoid misunderstandings. For example, some countries may require you to dress appropriately in public places.

  • Language: Basic phrases in the local language can be very useful and will be appreciated by locals.

  • Holidays and events: Check if there are any important holidays during your visit that may affect the availability of tourist services or attractions.

It's also worth checking before you fly somewhere:

  • Cultural faux pas: Know what to avoid to avoid offending the locals. For example, gestures that are neutral in your country may have a completely different meaning abroad.

  • Tipping rules: In some countries, tipping is standard, in others, such as Japan, it may be considered an insult.

Thanks to this, you will be better prepared for various conditions and situations, which will allow you to fully enjoy your trip and minimize stress.
