Damian Brzeski

5 days ago7 min

Żuławy Narrow Gauge Railway: Get to know its history

Did you know that the Żuławy Narrow Gauge Railway has been operating since the end of the 19th century, offering a unique look at the history of the region? This railway is not only a means of transport, but also a living testimony of the past, which has survived thanks to the passion and commitment of railway enthusiasts.

Let's travel back in time and discover what rail travel was like over a hundred years ago, we will get to know the most interesting routes and stations, as well as the people who ensure that this extraordinary infrastructure does not fall into oblivion.

  1. History of the Narrow Gauge Railway in Żuławy

  2. Narrow Gauge Railway Lovers: Guarding the cultural heritage of Żuławy

  3. The most interesting routes and stations

  4. Tourist Attractions on the Narrow Gauge Railway Route

History of the Narrow Gauge Railway in Żuławy

The narrow-gauge railway in Żuławy has a rich and fascinating history that dates back to the end of the 19th century. The first lines were built around 1886, when the sugar factory in Nowy Staw built a 4.5 km long narrow-gauge railway, connecting it with the town of Dębina. Initially, they were operated by horse-drawn traction.

The main purpose of building the railway was the need to effectively transport sugar beets from the vast fields in the marshy areas of Żuławy to local sugar factories.

Over time, the narrow-gauge railway network expanded significantly, reaching a length of 335.8 km before the outbreak of World War II. The network included 96 bridges and culverts and had numerous workshops and stations, with its main base at Nowy Dwór Gdański .

During World War II, the railway infrastructure was severely damaged by warfare, with many lines underwater after destruction by retreating German troops. After the war, the reconstruction of the railway began, and in 1947 the first sections were launched.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the narrow-gauge railway experienced its golden age, serving intensive passenger and freight traffic. However, the development of road transport and negligence in maintenance led to the gradual closure of subsequent sections.

In the 1970s and 1980s, most of the lines were closed down and the rolling stock and infrastructure were devastated.

At the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to the efforts of local communities and the Pomeranian Railway Enthusiasts' Association, the process of reconstruction and revitalization of the narrow-gauge railway in Żuławy began.

In 2002, the first passenger connections were relaunched on the route from Nowy Dwór Gdański to Stegna, and since 2003, trains have been running regularly during the tourist season.

Currently, the Żuławy Commuter Railway operates mainly as a tourist attraction, offering journeys on the Nowy Dwór Gdański - Stegna - Sztutowo and Prawy Brzeg Wisły routes. The cable car enjoys great popularity, transporting thousands of passengers a year and constituting a unique testimony to the history of the region.

Narrow-gauge railway enthusiasts: Guarding the cultural heritage of Żuławy

The Pomeranian Society of Railway Enthusiasts (PTMKŻ) is an organization that has been passionately and committedly caring for the preservation and promotion of the railway heritage in Żuławy for years. Founded in 1990, the Society brings together railway enthusiasts and specialists professionally related to railway transport.

Their main goal is the material protection of railway monuments and the popularization of railway transport, especially in the tourist aspect.

PTMKŻ can boast of many successes in the protection of railway monuments. In 1992, the "Parowozownia Kościerzyna" open-air museum was established, where six historic carriages were restored.

The greatest achievement of the Society was the completion and restoration of an electric unit operated in the 1970s on the Tri-City Fast Urban Railway.

Thanks to their efforts, nearly 50 historic railway vehicles were also secured and transferred to the supervision of the Open-Air Museum in Kościerzyna.

Reactivation of the Żuławy Commuter Railway

In September 2000, PTMKŻ, in cooperation with the Starosty in Nowy Dwór Gdański and the communes of Stegna and Sztutowo, took action to reactivate the Żuławy Commuter Railway.

Thanks to their efforts, on August 15, 2002, the first tourist train set off from Nowy Dwór Gdański to Stegna, and regular connections began on June 21, 2003. The Nowodworski County leased the entire rolling stock to the Company, which allowed them to become the operator of the Żuławy Commuter Railway.

The Society actively promotes rail transport by organizing special train runs on historic, now closed lines.

In 2009, in cooperation with the carrier Arriva and local governments, they launched the "Train to the Beach" and "Train to the Castle" connections, which were very popular among tourists.

In the years 2010-2013, PTMKŻ cooperated with the local governments of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, launching connections on the Nadzalewowa Railway line between Elbląg, Frombork and Braniewo.

Today, the basic activity of PTMKŻ is running the narrow-gauge Żuławy Commuter Railway, which functions as a tourist attraction.

The company organizes regular trips during the tourist season, attracting thousands of passengers every year. Their work involves not only the maintenance and operation of rolling stock, but also education and promotion of the history of railways in the region.

The Pomeranian Railway Enthusiasts Society is a perfect example of how passion and commitment can contribute to the protection of technical and cultural heritage.

Thanks to their actions, the narrow-gauge railway in Żuławy not only survived, but became an important tourist element of the region, offering unforgettable experiences and time travel.

The most interesting routes and stations

The Żuławy Commuter Railway offers unique routes that lead through the picturesque landscapes of Żuławy Wiślane. Here are some of the most interesting routes and stations worth visiting:

Nowy Dwór Gdański – Stegna – Sztutowo route

One of the most popular routes is the line connecting Nowy Dwór Gdański with Stegna and Sztutowo. This route allows passengers to enjoy beautiful views of vast fields, rivers and canals. During the trip, you can see traditional Żuławy houses, as well as numerous bridges and viaducts that are witnesses of the rich history of the region.

The station in Stegna is one of the most important on the route. There is a beautiful, restored station building here, which serves as a tourist information center. There are many attractions around the station, including a beach on the Baltic Sea and various restaurants and cafes.

The Right Bank of the Vistula – Nowy Dwór Gdański route

Another interesting route is the line leading from the Right Bank of the Vistula to Nowy Dwór Gdański. This route is slightly shorter, but equally picturesque, leading over numerous bridges and culverts. It is an excellent choice for tourists who want to learn more about the history and culture of Żuławy.

The station in Nowy Dwór Gdański is the central point of the Żuławy Commuter Railway. This is where the main locomotive depot and workshops are located, where the rolling stock is maintained and repaired. This station is also the starting point for many tourist routes, offering convenient connections with other towns in Żuławy.

Sztutowo – Right Bank of the Vistula

The line connecting Sztutowo with the Right Bank of the Vistula is another attractive route that offers beautiful views of the surrounding areas. This route leads through a nature reserve and is perfect for nature and photography lovers.

The terminal station in the Right Bank of the Vistula is a transfer point for ferries, which allows for further exploration of the region.

A trip on the Żuławy Commuter Railway is an unforgettable experience that combines history, culture and the beauty of nature. Each route offers something unique, and the stations along the route are full of charm and historical stories.

Tourist Attractions on the Narrow Gauge Railway Route

A trip on the Żuławy Commuter Railway is not only a journey along picturesque routes, but also an opportunity to discover numerous tourist attractions located along the railway lines. Below are some of the most interesting places worth visiting during your trip:

Żuławy Museum in Nowy Dwór Gdański

The Żuławy Museum is a must-see on the map of every history lover of the region. It is located in a historic building that formerly served as a water mill. In the museum you can see numerous exhibits related to the history and culture of Żuławy, including agricultural tools, everyday equipment, as well as documents and photographs showing life in Żuławy over the centuries.

“Mewia Łacha” Nature Reserve

When traveling from the Right Bank of the Vistula to Sztutowo, it is worth stopping at the "Mewia Łacha" nature reserve. It is a unique place where you can observe various species of birds, including seagulls, terns and cormorants. The reserve is a perfect place for nature and photography lovers, offering picturesque views and peace away from the hustle and bustle of cities.

Stegna and the Seaside Beach

The station in Stegna is an excellent starting point for visiting seaside attractions. The beach in Stegna is wide and sandy, perfect for relaxing and swimming in the sea. There are numerous cafes and restaurants in the area where you can try local specialties, as well as many attractions for children, such as amusement parks and mini-golf.

Sztutowo – Stutthof Museum

In Sztutowo there is the Stutthof Museum, which commemorates the victims of the German Stutthof concentration camp operating during World War II. The museum offers guided tours and numerous exhibitions that present the tragic events of those years. This memorial site is an important point on the historical map of the region and encourages reflection on the past.

Jantar – Treasures of the Baltic Sea

Jantar, known as the "Pearl of the Baltic Sea", is a charming town famous for its beautiful beaches and amber. In Jantar you can visit the Amber Museum, where unusual specimens and jewelry made of amber are presented.

In summer, numerous festivals and fairs take place here, where you can buy local products and try regional dishes.

By traveling on the Żuławy Commuter Railway, you can discover many charming places that offer both relaxation and educational experiences. Each station and route has unique attractions that make traveling on the narrow gauge railway an unforgettable adventure.
