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  • Writer's pictureDamian Brzeski

8 attractions worth seeing in Gdynia

Someone once said that every city has its own soul, a unique rhythm with which it pulsates. Gdynia is like a seaside lady from the north of Poland. This is a place where the waves whisper stories from the past, and the boulevards torn by human hands from the waves of the Baltic Sea tell about dreams and ambitions.

Gdynia is not just a port city, it is a city of dreams that in just a few decades has grown from a small fishing village into a bustling metropolis. Here, while walking along Kościuszko Square, you will feel the pulse throughout the Polish city, its energy that shines through the crowd of tourists and local residents. This is a place where historic sailing ships tell stories about long journeys, and modern museums hide treasures of culture and history.

In this article, I want to take you on a walk around Gdynia, discovering its corners that everyone should see.  Get ready for a unique journey through the city that never sleeps, always surprises and is constantly changing, and yet remains constantly close to your heart.

Torpedo room in Gdynia

Gdynia, attractions you must see

Gdynia has a lot to be proud of, and trips around it can provide each of us with unforgettable experiences. This city has no shortage of interesting buildings and places that captivate with their beauty. Where is it worth going to see the most beautiful face of this city? Here are some suggestions for those who plan to visit this area in the near future.

Place 8. Kościuszko Square and South Pier

Visiting Gdynia cannot be complete without a walk around Kościuszko Square and a visit to the South Pier. These are the most important points on the city's tourist plan and its showcases.

Why? Because here you can not only spend your free time in an interesting way, but also enjoy the most important attractions of Gdynia. An aquarium, historic ships and beautiful views of the Baltic Sea - all this makes a walk around this part of the city an interesting experience for every tourist.

Place 7. Kamienna Góra

Whoever wants to look at Gdynia and the local port from a unique perspective should plan a walking route around the city to find time for a visit to Kamienna Góra. This is a fantastic viewpoint that can enchant all lovers of beautiful panoramas.

You can climb the hill on foot or take a cable car ride. Regardless of how we get to Kamienna Góra, one thing is certain - a visit to its peak will make a great impression on each of us.

Place 6. Emigration Museum

The Gdynia Emigration Museum deals with a rather unusual problem, and because it does it in an interesting way, it is considered one of the most interesting museums in this part of the country. This place focuses on the history of Polish emigrants - people who started their journey from the port of Gdynia to other countries, tempting them with the vision of a better life.

There is no shortage of touching souvenirs and materials thanks to which you can learn about the most important achievements of those Poles who managed to achieve success in emigration.

Place 5. Naval Museum

One of the most interesting facilities located on the Nadmorski Boulevard is the Naval Museum, which is worth visiting. The pride of this facility is an interesting collection of weapons from World War II and an exhibition devoted to the history of the Polish Navy. Torpedoes, water mines and anti-aircraft guns - these are selected exhibits you can find here.

Place 4. Klif Orłowski

For those tourists who visit Gdynia to relax by the sea, the Orłowski Klif will become an exceptionally interesting place. This cliff captivates with its power and its length of up to 650 m. This steep coast captivates with its appearance, and the views of the Bay of Gdańsk from its top can impress even the most experienced travelers.

3rd place. Marine Aquarium

Those who want to expand their knowledge about the Baltic Sea and the animals living there during a trip to Gdynia should definitely visit the local Marine Aquarium. There are plenty of aquariums in this place where Baltic fish swim, and there are also interesting boards thanks to which you can gain a lot of valuable information about them.

A real treat for many people is the model of the bottom of the Baltic Sea presented here, which is worth a longer stay.

Place 2. ORP "Błyskawica

The ship that played such an important role in the history of World War II is now one of the most important objects you can see while walking along the South Pier.

Currently, the legend of the Polish Navy serves as a floating museum, and a visit on board can be a unique adventure for each of us.

1st place. "Dar Pomorza

Dar Pomorza" is a unique museum. The historic ship, moored at the South Pier, intrigues not only with its appearance, but also with its interesting history. Anyone who decides to visit it will be able to walk around its deck and look into the rooms once used by students.

This training ship, with a history dating back to the 1920s, is still very impressive, and interest in visiting it has remained at a very high level for years.

ORP Błyskawica museum ship moored in Gdynia

Is Gdynia worth visiting?

Gdynia is an ideal city for those who dream of unforgettable trips around the Tricity, as well as for those who want to spend a successful holiday by the sea.

In this unique urban center, each of us will find something interesting for ourselves, and the time spent in Gdynia will not be wasted for anyone.

After our journey through Gdynia, from the historic sailing ships on Kościuszko Square to the picturesque Orłowo cliffs, it becomes clear that this city is like a treasure on the Polish coast. Every corner of Gdynia tells its own unique story, intertwined with the sea, culture and unwavering energy.

Gdynia, with its surprising combination of modernity and history, is a city that is constantly evolving and delighting. Regardless of whether you are a lover of nature, history, art, or just looking for a place to relax and unwind, Gdynia will certainly not disappoint you.

Let this article be an invitation to discover Gdynia on your own. Come, immerse yourself in its atmosphere, taste the local cuisine, walk along the boulevards and let the city tell you its story. Gdynia is waiting to surprise you and provide you with an unforgettable experience.

This is a city that everyone should see and experience - a city where stories and dreams come together to create an unforgettable symphony on the Baltic Sea.

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