Not so long ago, a good taxi driver was associated mainly with excellent knowledge of the city and the ability to find the fastest route.
Today, however, something else is equally important – professional service to every passenger, regardless of their orientation or identity. In this article, I will try to prove it to you.

First, let’s explain what inclusivity is. Here’s a definition that we’ll need because I’ll be referring to it a lot in this article.
" Inclusivity is the principle of ensuring equal access, respect and participation for all people, regardless of their characteristics or differences. It can refer to different areas of life, such as society, education, workplaces or culture.
In the social context, inclusiveness means taking into account and accepting people of different origins, ages, genders, orientations, abilities, or worldviews. In education, it is about creating an environment in which every student has the opportunity to learn and develop without barriers. In companies, it means a policy that promotes diversity and equal opportunities for all employees.
Inclusivity is not limited to acceptance – it actively counteracts exclusion and seeks to eliminate barriers that may hinder full participation in various aspects of life."

The rainbow flag can cause division
Just listen to conversations at taxi ranks to see how much drivers' opinions differ.
Some argue that "nowadays you have to clearly define yourself as right-wing or left-wing", while others believe that "a true professional keeps his views to himself".
And the facts? The facts are simple: the LGBT+ community is a huge group of customers , both in Poland and worldwide. According to research by the Williams Institute at UCLA, about 10% of the population in Western countries is LGBT+.
In Poland, it is estimated that this is as much as 2-3 million people . This is not a "niche", but real passengers who order taxis every day.
And now the specifics:
LGBT+-friendly companies earn more – their profitability is 16% higher than their competitors. As Business Insider points out : "Companies that actively support diversity show better financial results, greater stability and customer loyalty . "
Passengers are open to rainbow taxis – as many as 60% of people believe it is a regular service or choose it intentionally to support inclusive companies. As Freenow's study shows : "Although 34% of Poles would not get into a taxi with a rainbow sticker, as many as 60% see no problem with it or even support such actions" (Auto Świat).
Equal rights also benefit the economy – improving the situation of the LGBT+ community could increase GDP per capita by PLN 15,500 . According to a Business Insider report : “The Polish economy loses up to PLN 9.5 billion annually due to discrimination against LGBT+ people. Increasing their rights could significantly affect GDP growth . ”
Divisions among drivers – politics at a standstill?
The LGBT+ community is a hot topic among taxi drivers . Opinions at taxi ranks range from complete acceptance to outright hostility.
Some drivers worry that any visible symbolism, such as a rainbow flag , could make them appear as activists.
As one of them admitted in an interview with Auto Świat :
"Today, if someone sees rainbow colors on a taxi, they immediately judge the driver as an activist. And I'm not an activist, I just want to drive people and make money" ( Auto Świat ).
Other drivers, on the other hand, treat inclusiveness as an element of passenger safety and professional service. For them, it doesn’t matter who they’re driving – what matters is that the customer is polite and pays for the ride. As one of them says:
"I don't care who I'm driving, as long as they're nice and pay for the ride. I don't feel like talking about politics or the sexual orientation of passengers. I'm just doing my job . " — Business Insider
Neutrality pays off
Drivers who approach their work neutrally and are open to all customers notice that it simply pays off . Passengers value the comfort and support of the LGBT+ community , and one unpleasant experience – such as a negative comment about their appearance, orientation or views – can make them never use the services of a given driver again.
"A professional taxi driver is one who does not judge, does not comment and does not create a problem where there is none," says a transport market expert quoted by Wprost.
There is division among taxi drivers , but one thing is certain – it is not ideology that should decide who you serve, but common sense and professionalism .

Who are the customers? The LGBT+ community in Poland and around the world
To understand why the rainbow taxi is not only a gesture of support but also a profitable business decision, it is worth taking a look at the numbers.
"According to research from the Williams Institute at UCLA, about 10% of the population in Western countries identifies as LGBT+," Business Insider reports.
And what is the situation like in Poland? Although there are no official statistics, various studies indicate that the LGBT+ community numbers as many as 2-3 million people .
That's more than the number of residents of Warsaw! For the taxi industry, this means one thing - this is not a marginal group, but a huge part of society that uses transport services every day .
Many taxi drivers may not even be aware that they carry several or a dozen LGBT+ passengers during the week. These are often people who seek passenger comfort and safety , especially if they have previously encountered discrimination against LGBT+ people in public transport or other services.
LGBT+ are customers with great purchasing potential
Studies show that LGBT+ people use transport services more often than the average passenger. Why is this?
Greater mobility in cities – Many LGBT+ people live in large cities, where taxis with stickers or transport apps are a more convenient alternative to often unreliable public transport.
Active lifestyle – Clubs, restaurants, cultural events – the LGBT+ community often participates in nightlife, which translates into a greater demand for night travel .
Safety as a priority – In many cases, LGBT+ people prefer to use a rainbow taxi , knowing that the driver will not judge them or put them in an unpleasant situation. Research shows that LGBT+ customers are more likely to choose transport providers who openly communicate their support for the LGBT+ community .
Customer loyalty – Transport companies that engage in activities that support the LGBT+ community see higher rates of returning customers. If a passenger feels comfortable and safe, there is a high chance they will use the same services again.
" LGBT+ people are an active group of consumers. Their purchasing power is significant, and companies that open up to inclusivity see greater customer loyalty," notes the market expert in an interview with Wprost .

Rainbow taxi as standard, not exception
The changing social attitude towards equality and diversity means that Freenow taxis and other carriers are increasingly emphasizing their open approach. More and more companies are deciding to paint their vehicles with rainbow stickers or actively support the LGBT+ community .
Thanks to this, customers know that they can count on a safe ride without unnecessary comments or discomfort . And this is the future of the industry - a transport service available to everyone, regardless of identity or orientation .
Taxi safety matters to the LGBT+ community
For the LGBT+ community, feeling safe as passengers while traveling is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity. Unfortunately, reality shows that not every journey is comfortable.
The study conducted by the Love Does Not Exclude Association shows that:
41% of LGBT+ people have experienced unpleasant situations in taxis – from rude comments to open hostility from drivers.
68% of passengers would prefer to use carriers that are open to diversity and provide comfortable travel conditions .
"Many LGBT+ passengers are looking for places and services that are friendly and free from prejudice. Therefore, taxi drivers who build their brand as inclusive can count on regular customers," emphasizes the report
It's not about politics, but about the simple comfort of travel . If a passenger gets into a car thinking they might encounter negative comments, their sense of security is undermined.
That is why taxis decorated in rainbow colours are not just a symbol – for many passengers it is a clear signal that they can count on respect and professionalism.

Do taxi drivers and company owners have anything to worry about?
Freenow ’s introduction of inclusive rainbow taxis has stirred up a lot of excitement in Poland. It was meant to be an initiative to show support for the LGBT+ community and promote equality in transport, but the reaction has been divided.
Research shows that 60% of passengers had no problem using vehicles marked in this way, and some chose them consciously, wanting to support companies open to diversity .
On the other hand, 34% of respondents said they would not get into a taxi with rainbow colours on it – an increase of 7 percentage points compared to the previous year.
Is it a matter of symbolism or a real need?
For many passengers, rainbow colours mean not only support, but above all passenger comfort and safety .
LGBT+ people are looking for carriers who will provide them with a friendly atmosphere , free from prejudice and unpleasant situations.
Drivers’ concerns and reactions – fear or opportunity?
The initiative also met with mixed reactions among taxi drivers . Some welcomed it, seeing it as a chance to stand out in the market and gain loyal customers , while others feared negative consequences, both financial and related to their own safety.
It all started during Pride Month when Freenow decided to introduce rainbow-colored taxis .
The campaign was aimed not only at supporting LGBT people , but also at increasing public awareness of diversity and equality .
However, 42% of drivers refused to participate in the campaign, with a third explaining their decision by fearing negative social reactions . Some drivers actually encountered verbal aggression or incidents, such as insults or spitting at cars.
Despite this, other participants in the campaign noticed that most customers do not pay attention to the rainbow markings and even perceive them positively.
For many passengers, this is a clear signal that they can count on respect and professionalism , and some specifically choose such journeys to support inclusive carriers .
Inclusivity as a business strategy
The discussion about taxis with rainbow flags shows that the topic of inclusion in transport still stirs emotions. For some drivers it is an unnecessary risk , for others – a chance to build a position in the market and increase customer loyalty .
Why does openness pay off?
LGBT+-friendly companies experience on average 16% higher profitability and greater financial stability.
Acceptance of diversity in society is growing – 58% of Poles have no problem using rainbow-coloured taxis .
Customer loyalty – LGBT+ people and their allies are more likely to choose safe, friendly services and recommend them to others.
Is it worth closing yourself off to such a large group of customers?
Pride Month celebrations were a turning point for many transport companies. Freenow was the first network in Poland to officially introduce a fleet of taxis decorated in the colors of the rainbow flag , which was met with both positive reception and criticism.
Examples from Western Europe show that social awareness in this area is growing , and the future of urban transport is services available to everyone, regardless of identity or orientation .
Taxis with rainbow flags are not just a symbol – for many passengers it is a sign that they can count on equal treatment and a safe journey .
🚖 The final decision is up to drivers and transport companies, but one thing is certain - the market is changing, and inclusiveness is becoming not only a value, but also a factor that determines business success. 🏳️🌈
Drivers’ challenges and concerns – are they justified?
While supporting the LGBT+ community in transport brings real benefits, some taxi drivers still fear negative consequences.
Here are the most common concerns:
1. Concerns about negative social reactions: Some drivers fear that designating their vehicle as LGBT+ friendly could expose them to negative comments or even aggression . There have been instances where taxi drivers have been met with insulting remarks, spitting at their vehicles, and verbal abuse .
On the other hand, most passengers do not pay attention to taxi markings – what matters most to them is the comfort and safety of the ride . Drivers who are professional and polite rarely experience negative reactions.
2. Fear of losing customers: Some drivers believe that displaying support for the LGBT+ community could put off some passengers and affect their earnings.
However, research shows that 60% of customers have no problem using rainbow taxis , and LGBT+ people are loyal passengers who consciously choose safe, inclusive services . Openness to diversity attracts new customers and can provide greater business stability.
3. Is neutrality the best strategy?: For many drivers, professionalism means avoiding ideological topics and treating all passengers equally. This means focusing on the quality of service , not the customer's beliefs or personal views.
While neutrality helps avoid conflict, companies and drivers who actively support the LGBT+ community often enjoy financial success . Customers value safe services , and inclusivity can be an additional asset in a competitive market.
🚖 Drivers' concerns are understandable, but the transport market is changing , and passengers are increasingly choosing safe, open-to-diversity services . Professionalism, courtesy and high quality of service are the key to success - regardless of the driver's worldview.
Rainbow Taxis – Fashion or Future?
In Western Europe, rainbow taxis promoting diversity have become standard, and passengers are more likely to choose carriers that declare their support for the LGBT+ community . A similar trend is starting to be visible in Poland, although resistance from some sections of society is still a challenge.
Social education can be a key element in mitigating prejudice. An example are campaigns that combine marketing with educational messages – for example, Freenow’s cooperation with the Miłość Nie Wyklucza Association , which aims to increase acceptance and build safer spaces in public transport.
Will Poland follow the West and permanently introduce rainbow colors into public spaces? That depends on both taxi drivers and their customers. One thing is certain – markets are changing, and inclusiveness is not only a matter of value, but also a real business advantage .
Here is an expanded and more dynamic version of this section, including additional business contexts and a strategic approach to inclusivity:

Is it worth it?
Despite controversy over its rainbow taxis promoting diversity, Freenow has seen increased interest in its services and increased loyalty from customers who value its open approach to inclusivity.
"Companies that engage in inclusive activities attract a new group of customers. However, this is not a solution for everyone - it requires a conscious approach to marketing," comments the expert quoted by Business Insider.
Experts point out that supporting the LGBT+ community can be both a competitive advantage and a challenge.
Rainbow taxis have shown that inclusiveness in transport can effectively attract customers, but at the same time it is met with resistance from some sections of society.
It is crucial for drivers to make an informed decision – whether they want to actively engage in such initiatives or simply treat all customers with respect and professionalism .
Financial benefits for companies supporting the LGBT+ community
The discussion about inclusiveness in business is not just an ideological issue – it is a business strategy that has a real impact on financial results . Research shows that companies open to diversity:
✅ They record 16% higher profitability compared to the competition ( Business Insider ).
✅ They gain loyal customers who return to the brand, feeling comfortable and safe.
✅ They build a modern, open image, which translates into an increase in market value.
📢 "Studies show that LGBT+-friendly companies experience an average of 16% higher profitability than their competitors," Business Insider reports.
Greater customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is one of the most important factors influencing success in the transport industry. LGBT+ people who feel safe and comfortable are more likely to choose the same carrier again.
"More than half of Polish consumers respond positively to campaigns supporting LGBT+, and 60% of rainbow taxi passengers declare that it is a taxi like any other or intentionally support such a business," according to research cited by Business Insider.
In countries where inclusivity is the norm, the loyalty of LGBT+ customers translates into long-term financial benefits for companies. It also signals to passengers that a Freenow taxi or other carrier focuses on quality service regardless of the passenger’s identity.
The LGBT+ community has significant purchasing power
It is not without reason that the term “Pink Money” is used in Western countries to describe the purchasing power of the LGBT+ community. These people are often among the groups of consumers who are more likely to use premium services, including transport, gastronomy and tourism.
"US data shows that LGBT+ people have a combined annual spend of over $3.7 trillion. In Poland, exact data is lacking, but reports suggest their impact on the economy is significant," Forbes reports.
Experts estimate that if the situation of LGBT+ people in Poland improved by 10%, it could translate into an increase in GDP per capita by PLN 15,500 ( Business Insider ). This shows that support for the LGBT+ community is not just a declaration - it is a real factor influencing the economy and the financial results of companies.
Inclusivity is the future of business
While some parts of society still have mixed feelings about taxis with rainbow flags , the numbers do not lie – companies open to diversity benefit financially .
The question is no longer “is it worth it?” but “when will other carriers follow Freenow’s lead and start treating inclusivity as part of their business strategy.”
Will this happen? The market and passengers are already starting to answer this question. 🚖🏳️🌈
Inclusivity means not only higher revenues, but also a more stable business
The data clearly shows that countries that provide greater rights to the LGBT+ community develop faster economically. In Poland, where the topic of equality is still controversial, the economic losses resulting from discrimination against LGBT+ people are noticeable.
"The Polish economy may lose up to PLN 9.5 billion annually due to discrimination against LGBT+ people," warns Business Insider.
It is estimated that increasing the rights of the LGBT+ community by 10% could increase GDP per capita by PLN 15,500 . This is proof that accepting diversity is not just a matter of worldview – it is a real factor influencing the country's economy .
Here's an expanded and more dynamic version of this section, with additional context and natural keyword insertion:

How is the market changing?
Changing social attitudes and growing public awareness mean that rainbow taxis are slowly ceasing to be an exception and becoming a permanent element of the modern transport industry.
Customers increasingly pay attention to the values represented by companies, which influences their consumer choices.
Companies that promote openness and equality not only build their positive image, but also gain loyal passengers who consciously choose services that are consistent with their beliefs.
Western markets are showing that inclusion is no longer just a gesture of solidarity, but a well-thought-out business strategy . Transport companies that introduce initiatives supporting the LGBT+ community are seeing greater interest in their services and better financial results.
Customers are more likely to use carriers that declare openness because it gives them a sense of security and comfort.
For many taxi drivers , the question arises – is it worth actively engaging in inclusive initiatives, or is it better to remain neutral? The answer is not clear-cut, because everyone makes their own decisions about how to run their business.
However, one thing is certain: openness to diversity is not a passing fad, but a permanent direction in which the transport market is developing .
The future of the industry will belong to those who can adapt to new customer expectations and offer services in a spirit of equality and professionalism.

How to Make Money on Openness? Practical Tips for Drivers
Being open to diversity doesn’t mean engaging in activism or changing your beliefs. It’s primarily a business strategy that can increase customer base, improve a driver’s reputation, and increase income stability. Here are some practical ways to do just that.
1. Professionalism above all
The basis for effective work in the transport industry is a neutral and professional approach to each passenger . Passengers, including LGBT+ people , appreciate drivers who do not comment on their appearance, identity or orientation, and instead focus on providing a comfortable and safe journey .
Many people in the LGBT+ community have had negative experiences with taxi drivers, ranging from rude remarks to outright hostility.
Drivers who show respect to all customers build a positive image and increase their chances of having regular passengers. No judgment and a friendly atmosphere is a standard that every customer will appreciate.
2. How to gain loyal customers?
Customer loyalty is key to success in the transport industry. LGBT+ people often recommend safe and friendly services , so a positive reputation among this group can significantly increase the number of trips.
What can you do to build a loyal passenger base?
Make sure you have good reviews online – recommendations on forums, social media and in transport apps can make more passengers choose your services.
Join databases promoting inclusive businesses – platforms like help customers find taxi drivers who offer comfortable and safe rides.
Pay attention to the quality of service – polite behaviour, vehicle cleanliness and readiness to help keep passengers coming back.
Many customers who feel comfortable in a given taxi will not only use the services of a given driver regularly, but will also recommend him to friends. Building loyalty among passengers is a way to stable income and more trips.
3. Word of mouth marketing – the LGBT+ community appreciates companies without prejudice
LGBT+ people are keen to recommend places and services where they feel safe and comfortable. If a taxi driver provides a friendly atmosphere , they can count on their services being appreciated by their friends and the community.
Word-of-mouth marketing in this industry works on very simple principles - if passengers know that they can count on a neutral approach and high quality of service , they will use these services more often and recommend them to others.
Feeling safe is especially important in the LGBT+ community , which is why friendly taxis are gaining popularity.
Passenger recommendations are a natural and effective form of advertising that costs nothing and can significantly increase the number of customers. The better the experience passengers have, the more likely they are to recommend a given service to others.
🚖 Openness to diversity does not require major changes, but it can bring real business benefits. Rainbow taxi drivers who focus on professionalism and high quality of service can count on more trips and more stable income.

Remember: Inclusivity is a strategy, not an ideology!
In business, one thing counts – a satisfied customer . Supporting the LGBT+ community in transport is not a matter of politics or ideology, but a conscious approach to doing business .
The transport services market is changing dynamically, and passengers are increasingly choosing companies that provide them with safety, comfort and respect .
Drivers who understand these changes gain more trips, loyal customers, and financial stability . More and more transport companies recognize that being open to diversity is an investment in the future , not a passing trend.
Why does openness pay off?
LGBT+ are real customers – there are 2-3 million LGBT+ people in Poland who use taxis and transport apps every day. You’ve probably transported many of these passengers without even knowing it.
Professionalism is the best strategy – for most passengers, the most important thing is a comfortable and safe experience , not the driver's beliefs. Neutrality, courtesy and high quality of service are the keys to gaining loyal customers.
Openness builds a competitive advantage – taxi drivers who create an atmosphere of acceptance and professionalism have a better chance of having regular passengers. A sense of security is a key factor that influences the choice of a carrier.
Loyalty and referrals work to your advantage – the LGBT+ community values places and services that make them feel welcome . Customers who have a good experience with their rides come back and recommend the taxi driver to their friends , which translates directly into more rides.
Passenger safety is a priority – LGBT+ people often avoid modes of transport where they might encounter discrimination. If a taxi driver builds a reputation for being open and professional, they attract customers who are looking for proven and trustworthy services .
By closing yourself off to diversity, you can lose a large group of loyal customers . On the other hand, by focusing on professionalism, openness and neutrality , you can not only increase the number of trips, but also build a stable business based on the trust of passengers .
A taxi driver doesn’t have to be an activist – they just need to be a professional . Inclusiveness in transport is not an ideology, but a strategy that brings real financial benefits and builds a competitive advantage .
🚖 The future of public transport is safety and comfort for every passenger – regardless of their identity. 🏳️🌈