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  • Writer's pictureDamian Brzeski

How much does a taxi cost? A guide on how to calculate it

Calculating the price of a taxi ride may seem complicated, especially when you take into account different rates per kilometer, initial fees, additional fees for luggage and night trips.

In this article I will show you step by step how to correctly estimate the cost of a taxi trip over various distances. You will also learn how to calculate the cost of an Uber trip and how to order the cheapest taxi for longer routes. Read on to find out the details and avoid getting caught off guard when paying your fare!

A tourist waits for a taxi in winter

How to calculate the price for a taxi ride based on the price list?

To calculate the price for a taxi ride , you need to take into account several key factors that make up the final cost of your trip. In the step-by-step guide below, we'll show you how to do it.

1. Initial fee (flag, door slam)

The initial fee is a fixed amount you pay just to start the course. But in fact, this definition is incorrect, the fee is correctly called the rate for the first kilometer. This name explains more.

Namely, it is a fee for driving the first 1000 meters.

This is a kind of minimum fee that protects the taxi driver's interest.

This is the basic element of the price list, which usually ranges from PLN 6 to PLN 10, depending on the city. For example, in Warsaw it may be PLN 8, in Gdańsk a maximum of PLN 9 and in Kraków PLN 7.50.

2. Rate per kilometer

The per kilometer rate varies depending on the time of day, tariff zone and region.

For example, during the day in large cities such as Warsaw, the rate is approximately PLN 2.50/3.00 per kilometer, while at night it can increase to PLN 3.50/4.50 per kilometer. Check your local tariffs for accurate rates in your region.

As a rule, the night taxi rate is 150% of the price for transport during the day.

3. Travel time

Sometimes taxis charge not only for the kilometers traveled, but also for the time spent in traffic jams or stopped at traffic lights. This fee is usually charged in minutes and is approximately PLN 0.50 / 0.90 per minute.

It is worth noting, however, that this fee is charged for parking the car. Specifically, the taximeter starts charging it automatically when the car moves slower than 20 km/h

4. Additional fees

Additional fees may include the transportation of luggage, animals, and travel on holidays or at night. For example, for transporting large luggage you may pay an additional PLN 10, and for driving at night (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) the tariff may be 50% higher.

5. Long distance tariffs

It is also worth remembering about long-distance tariffs that apply when the taxi leaves the administrative boundaries of the city. Tariff 3 is usually used during the day and Tariff 4 at night and on public holidays.

The rates per kilometer in tariffs 3 and 4 are higher than in city tariffs and can range from PLN 5.00 to PLN 6.00 per kilometer during the day and from PLN 6.00 to even PLN 16.00 per kilometer at night, respectively.

To be precise, it is a maximum of 100% more compared to the day or night tariff. It is worth noting, however, that it is legal to charge this fee only when the course ends outside the city where the license is issued.

It is unacceptable, for example, to charge the use of tariffs 3 and 4 when the taxi driver has a license for the city in which he ends the course. The higher fee is to compensate for the need to return to the place where he can legally perform work.

If, for example, he goes from Gdynia to Gdańsk and has a license for both cities, according to the law he should stay in Gdańsk and continue to work in this city. He is not entitled to any additional payment for this.

It is also common practice to collect a fee when traveling to the customer. This happens when the trip is outside the city limits. This practice is often carried out in smaller towns. In such a case, a better solution is to use a contract price. According to Polish regulations, it is best to rely on the regulations regarding the transport of passengers.

As you can see, calculating the final amount is not that simple. It is not surprising that for this reason many passengers prefer to pay more in taxis using applications, only because the price will be known before the start of the journey.

In my opinion, the system is fair to both the consumer and the driver. Well, you know, the fairest price is the one lower than the competition.

passenger walks into a white Mercedes taxi

Example of calculating the cost of a taxi ride over a distance of 20 km

Let's assume you want to calculate the cost of a 20 km taxi ride in Gdańsk on a weekday:

  1. Initial fee: PLN 9

  2. Rate per kilometer: PLN 4.00

  3. Total distance: 20 km


  • Initial fee: PLN 9

  • Travel cost for 20 km: 19 km * PLN 4.00/km = PLN 76

Total cost of the trip: PLN 9 (initial fee) + PLN 76 (cost per kilometers) = PLN 85

If the trip is at night, the cost will be higher due to higher per kilometer rates. For example, with a night rate of PLN 3.50 per kilometer:

  • Initial fee: PLN 9

  • Travel cost for 20 km: 19 km * PLN 6.00/km = PLN 114

Total cost of travel at night: PLN 9 + PLN 114 = PLN 123

With these calculations, you can easily estimate how much you will pay for a taxi ride in different conditions. However, please note that actual prices may vary depending on the specific taxi company and local regulations.

How much does a taxi cost for 50 km from Gdańsk?

The problems begin when it comes to traveling outside the zone, specifically outside the commune in which the taxi driver has a license. Then the driver activates the 3rd or 4th tariff on the taximeter, respectively, these are the return tariffs.

Let's assume you want to calculate the cost of a 50 km taxi ride from Gdańsk on a weekday, with part of the route going outside the city limits, so we will use the long distance fare.

Travel on a weekday (tariff 1 and tariff 3):

  1. Initial fee: PLN 9

  2. Rate per kilometer in the city (tariff 1): PLN 4.00

  3. Rate per kilometer outside the city (tariff 3): PLN 8.00

  4. Distance in the city: 10 km

  5. Distance outside the city: 39 km


  • Initial fee: PLN 9

  • Travel cost in the city: 10 km * PLN 4.00/km = PLN 40

  • Cost of travel outside the city: 39 km * PLN 8.00/km = PLN 312

Total cost of travel during the day: PLN 9 (initial fee) + PLN 40 (cost for kilometers in the city) + PLN 312 (cost for kilometers outside the city) = PLN 361

Travel at night (tariff 2 and tariff 4):

If the trip is at night, the cost will be higher due to higher per kilometer rates.

  1. Initial fee: PLN 9

  2. Rate per kilometer in the city (tariff 2): PLN 6.00

  3. Rate per kilometer outside the city (tariff 4): PLN 12.00

  4. Distance in the city: 10 km

  5. Distance outside the city: 39 km


  • Initial fee: PLN 9

  • Travel cost in the city: 10 km * PLN 6.00/km = PLN 60

  • Cost of travel outside the city: 39 km * PLN 12.00/km = PLN 468

Total cost of travel at night: PLN 9 (initial fee) + PLN 60 (cost for kilometers in the city) + PLN 468 (cost for kilometers outside the city) = PLN 537

As you can see, already at 50 kilometers, it is on average profitable to use a taxi in a traditional way. That is, using taximeter calculations.

You must remember that these calculations do not take into account the time fee that is charged when the car is stationary or driving slower than 20 km/h. At such a distance, at 100%, you will have to add a few zlotys for this.

But ok, let's compare what it looks like in an application like Uber, for example a ride from Gdańsk Matarni to Nowy Dwór Gdański, distance to travel 52 km. The application in the middle of the week without multipliers shows the price for the trip PLN 224.

However, it is worth pointing out clearly that this is a price without the so-called multiplier. Anyone who has used the Uber application knows perfectly well that the price can jump up from minute to minute by several or even several dozen percent.

Calculating the cost of an Uber ride over a distance of 50 km

Let's assume you want to calculate the cost of a 50 km Uber ride from Gdańsk, with part of the route outside the city limits, which will result in higher rates for kilometers above a certain distance.


  1. Initial fee: PLN 4 (for UberX)

  2. Rate per kilometer in the city (first 15 km): PLN 1.30/km

  3. Rate per kilometer outside the city (over 15 km): PLN 3.30/km

  4. Fee per minute: PLN 0.25/min (let's assume travel time is approximately 60 minutes for simplicity)


  1. Initial fee: PLN 4

  2. Cost of driving the first 15 km in the city: 15 km * PLN 1.30/km = PLN 19.50

  3. Cost of traveling the remaining 35 km outside the city: 35 km * PLN 3.30/km = PLN 115.50

  4. Fee for journey duration: 60 min * PLN 0.25/min = PLN 15

Total cost of the trip: PLN 4 (initial fee) + PLN 19.50 (15 km in the city) + PLN 115.50 (35 km outside the city) + PLN 15 (journey time) = PLN 154

For an Uber ride over a distance of 50 km from Gdańsk, the cost will be approximately PLN 154, assuming standard UberX rates and taking into account additional fees for kilometers outside the city.

I would like to remind you that a moment ago I gave you the price for a similar trip in the amount of PLN 224. This is a modest 30% difference in price and this is calculated without a multiplier.

Ok, it's still cheaper than taking a traditional taxi.

Uber driving through the streets of Warsaw

What's the cheapest way to order a taxi for 50 km?

Taking a 50 km taxi may seem expensive, but there are several ways you can significantly reduce the cost of such a trip. Below we present some proven methods to organize a cheap long-distance taxi ride.

1. Call the taxi company and ask for a flat rate price

One of the easiest ways to save money is to call any taxi company and ask for a flat rate price for a given distance. The lump sum price is a fixed amount, agreed in advance, which does not change regardless of travel time or possible traffic jams.

This solution has several advantages:

  • No surprises: You know upfront how much you'll pay for your ride, eliminating the risk of higher bills due to unforeseen delays.

  • Lower price: Flat-rate prices are usually lower than what a taximeter would charge for the same distance, under the rules governing taxi fares.

2. Approach the taxi driver and negotiate the price

If you are there, approach the taxi driver and ask about the possibility of setting a price for a 50 km trip. Taxi drivers are often willing to negotiate, especially if they see an opportunity to earn more money for a longer trip.

How to do it effectively?:

  • Offer an amount: Say how much you are willing to pay for the course and negotiate the terms. Drivers often agree to lower prices, seeing the opportunity to earn a steady income.

  • Trust and safety: Setting the price in advance gives you financial security and eliminates the stress associated with the dynamically changing cost of travel.

3. Use an app to order taxis

Alternatively, you can use applications such as iTaxi or FreeNow , which offer the opportunity to order a ride with a preliminary quote. While not always the cheapest option, these apps often offer promotions and discounts that can lower the cost of long-distance travel.

Don't be afraid to negotiate and ask for better prices - you can often get a much better deal than standard tariffs suggest.

If you have additional questions or need more information, let me know!


As you can see, with such a distance, the price of the trip is sky high. But don't worry, there will be a solution for this too. There are taxi companies specializing in intercity transfers that can offer more competitive prices.

How to calculate the price of a taxi for a distance of 100 km?

To calculate the price of a 100 km taxi ride, you need to take into account several key factors: the starting fee, the rate per kilometer in the city and outside the city, and any additional fees.

Example of calculating the cost of a taxi ride per 100 km

  • Initial fee: PLN 9

  • Rate per kilometer in the city (first 10 km): PLN 4.00/km

  • Rate per kilometer outside the city (remaining 90 km): PLN 8.00/km


  1. Initial fee: PLN 9

  2. Travel cost in the city: 10 km * PLN 4.00/km = PLN 40

  3. Cost of travel outside the city: 90 km * PLN 8.00/km = PLN 720

Total cost of the trip: PLN 9 + PLN 40 + PLN 720 = PLN 769

Example of calculating the cost of an Uber ride per 100 km

  • Initial fee: PLN 4

  • Rate per kilometer in the city (first 15 km): PLN 1.30/km

  • Rate per kilometer outside the city (remaining 85 km): PLN 3.30/km

  • Fee per minute: PLN 0.25/min (journey time 120 minutes)


  1. Initial fee: PLN 4

  2. Cost of driving the first 15 km: 15 km * PLN 1.30/km = PLN 19.50

  3. Cost of traveling the remaining 85 km: 85 km * PLN 3.30/km = PLN 280.50

  4. Travel time fee: 120 min * PLN 0.25/min = PLN 30

Total cost of the trip: PLN 4 + PLN 19.50 + PLN 280.50 + PLN 30 = PLN 334

And what does the application show? A trip from Matarnia to Pasłęk over a distance of 95 kilometers costs PLN 337.

He was remarkably different from our calculations . Well, to make things less rosy, I can almost guarantee that when an Uber driver sees that he has to travel almost 200 kilometers for this kind of money, he will almost 100% reject such an order.

Well, if you find someone willing to do such a job, you've won. The cost of traveling for 4 people over such a distance will be comparable or even lower than traveling by train or bus.

To summarize, a taxi for 100 kilometers

As you can see, with such a distance, the price of the trip is sky high. But don't worry, there will be a solution for this too. There are taxi companies specializing in intercity transfers that can offer more competitive prices.

For example, in my price list for a transfer from Gdańsk to Pasłęk , along with the entire service accompanying the transfer on request, the final cost for the client is PLN 480 or EUR 120.

And this is a guaranteed price always, no matter what day of the week, time of day, holiday or working day it is. And not only my company sets prices this way, all serious transfer companies set rates this way.


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