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Writer's pictureDamian Brzeski

How to avoid being cheated by a dishonest passenger?

Driving to a different location than the one marked in the app is a situation that many drivers face. But is such a change always safe and profitable?

Passengers often ask for small route adjustments, but not all of them have honest intentions.

Learn how to spot potential scams, negotiate a higher rate, and protect your time and money when driving with ridesharing apps.

Don't let anyone take advantage of your flexibility - learn best practices to help you avoid problems.

a very angry taxi driver

Request to change pickup location – What to watch out for?

One of the most common scenarios drivers may encounter is a passenger asking to drive to a different location than the one they have marked in the app.

Sometimes a passenger claims that their location was incorrectly marked, or that they ask to drive a little further from the given point. However, this is a method that can be used to get a ride from rural areas, where the app may have problems with coverage.

In such a situation, the passenger cannot order a ride directly, so he or she tries to convince the driver to deviate from the route, which may involve higher costs and a waste of time for the driver.

How to respond to such requests?

It is always a good idea to contact the passenger by phone first to establish the location details and explain why the pickup location is different from the one indicated in the app.

A passenger who really needs to change seats will often be able to provide additional information without any problem. However, if a passenger avoids phone calls and only responds with text messages, this could be a red flag .

Such a situation may indicate an attempt at fraud, and taking this course may end up being a waste of time and money. The inability to contact by phone should always arouse suspicion.

Once you have established contact, it is a good idea to clearly explain the rules of the journey. It is a good idea for the passenger to know from the outset that driving to another point may involve additional costs, because both time and fuel have their price.

Passengers often assume that the driver will pick up without any additional charges , so it is crucial that you establish right away how many kilometres you will have to cover and based on that assess whether the trip will still be profitable.

Before making a decision, it is worth taking a moment to check the new pick-up location on your sat nav. This will allow you to quickly estimate how many additional kilometers you would have to drive , which will allow you to make an informed decision about fulfilling the order.

If you find that the commute is too far, don't be afraid to withdraw from the course. It's important to keep in mind your costs and the profitability of the work.

If the pick-up location requires a detour, you should agree a higher fare with the passenger before the trip takes place.

In such situations, many passengers accept higher costs, especially if they are aware that their request will require additional effort and fuel from the driver . It would be good if such a decision was agreed in advance, which would prevent later misunderstandings.

It is also worth being vigilant, especially in situations where passengers try to trick drivers, knowing that they have already spent a lot of time and are close to their location.

Passengers may try to take advantage of this fact to get the driver to drive further, hoping that he will agree to their conditions so as not to lose his previous investment of time.

If you have any doubts about the passenger's honesty, do not hesitate to cancel the trip. Sometimes it is better to refuse such a trip and focus on other, more reliable orders.

Passat station wagon on a long journey

Negotiating a rate for detours

Drivers of transport apps often encounter situations in which a passenger requests a change of route or a detour during the route. This may be a request to drive to an additional location, pick up someone on the way, or simply the passenger's preference to choose a different, longer route.

While it may seem like a small change to the passenger, for you, every extra distance means more fuel burned, more time spent, and ultimately, increased costs .

It is important that in such situations the driver knows how to effectively negotiate a higher detour rate and not allow himself to be taken advantage of.

The first step a driver should take is to clearly explain to the passenger that the app's algorithm calculates the rate based on the optimal route , and any change to this route, especially a longer one, means additional costs for the driver.

It is worth explaining the situation to the passenger right away, without delay, to avoid misunderstandings at the end of the trip . Don't be afraid to say openly that each change of route involves a higher rate , especially if the passenger himself did not propose an additional fee.

The key in negotiations is to remain professional and polite while firmly setting boundaries .

For example, if a passenger asks for an extended route, you could say, "Of course, I can make a detour, but I would like to point out that the route calculated by the app is optimal and that detours will involve an additional fee.

Please wait a moment, I’ll check the navigation to see how many kilometers we have to cover and based on that I’ll propose an appropriate rate.”

Once you have determined a new route, it is worth taking a moment to check your satnav to see how many additional kilometres you will have to travel.

This will allow you to offer the passenger a specific detour rate that will be based on actual data and not on loose estimates.

Such transparency will allow the passenger to understand that your request for an additional fee is justified and is not an attempt to "extort" more money from them.

However, it sometimes happens that passengers try to take advantage of the fact that the driver is already on his way and has invested his time and fuel to convince him to deviate from the route without an additional charge .

They know that the driver is already close to his destination and may not want to cancel the trip, even if asking for an extension is not cost-effective for him.

In such situations, it is crucial to stay calm and stick to your terms. It is not worth agreeing to a longer route without first agreeing to a new rate, as this can lead to frustration and financial loss .

If the passenger does not want to agree to the additional fee , it is worth considering whether the trip is worth continuing. Remember that as a driver you have the right to refuse a detour if it is not profitable for you.

It is better to refuse such a trip and focus on subsequent orders than to carry out a trip that will end in a waste of money and time .

a car stuffed with purchases for a customer

Shopping for a Passenger – How to Protect Yourself?

Shopping for passengers in transport apps can be an interesting option for additional earnings, but it must be approached carefully and professionally.

In traditional taxi companies, such a service is usually very well described, with a clearly established additional fee , and the driver has a taximeter turned on while the order is being carried out.

The fee is usually charged from the moment you arrive at the store address, which makes the entire service transparent and fair for both the driver and the passenger.

In apps like Uber or Bolt, the situation is a bit different . You often come across a case where a passenger sets the pickup point as the nearest store, and the destination as the place where they are currently located.

After accepting the order, the passenger can ask to do the shopping. In principle, this is not a bad way to earn extra money , but before you agree, it is always worth analyzing the situation and taking into account several factors.

First of all, this isan additional taxi service , and therefore should be paid for additionally . The driver devotes his time and resources to making purchases, which goes beyond the standard course. It is worth establishing clear terms at the very beginning of the conversation with the passenger to avoid misunderstandings.

If the passenger does not agree to your terms , they can always use other options, such as Glovo or Uber Eats , where a specially designated delivery person will take care of the purchases.

Of course, such a service can be profitable, especially if there is not much going on in the city at the moment and the trips are not very frequent. In such a case, it may be worth taking up the purchases, provided that the financial conditions are satisfactory for you.

However, if you have a lot of other orders, it is worth considering whether it would be more cost-effective to spend time on standard trips rather than performing additional tasks.

the driver is waiting for the customer

Waiting for a Passenger – When and How to Charge Additional Fees?

In the context of traditional taxis, waiting for a passenger is compensated automatically as the taximeter charges an hourly fee .

This is a standardized solution that protects the driver from financial losses associated with waiting time.

In many taxi companies, the taximeter is turned on after a specified time , e.g. 10 minutes after arriving at the address or at a time for which the ride has been agreed in advance.

Thanks to this, the taxi driver does not waste time and always receives compensation for every moment he waits for a passenger.

The situation is slightly different when it comes to waiting during the ride , for example when a passenger asks to stop at a store. In a traditional taxi, this is also not a major problem, because the taximeter works throughout the ride.

Even if the vehicle is parked, the fee is charged automatically, providing the driver with a continuous income. In this situation, the driver does not have to worry about the time spent waiting going unpaid.

In the case of transportation apps, the situation can be more complicated because pricing systems do not always allow for additional waiting fees .

Therefore, before agreeing to stand or wait, it is important to clearly establish the rules with the passenger . You should make it clear from the outset that waiting time will incur additional costs, and agree on exactly how much that fee will be.

In apps, passengers may try to abuse the stop feature, expecting the driver to wait for them at no extra cost. Therefore, it is crucial that you make it clear from the outset that a longer stop will be charged, and offer an appropriate rate.

The problem also occurs in traditional taxis , when a passenger asks to stop during the ride and leaves the vehicle, promising to return soon. Unfortunately, it happens that passengers use this situation to escape without paying the fare.

To avoid this, it’s important to protect yourself properly . The best solution is to ask the passenger to leave the cost of the trip or a valuable item – such as documents, a phone or a wallet – before letting them leave the taxi.

This gives you the assurance that the passenger will return and complete the journey, or that in the event of their disappearance, you will not be left with nothing.

Similarly, if you wait for a passenger at an agreed address and the passenger does not show up at the agreed time, you are entitled to charge a waiting fee .

In traditional taxis, this is easy because the taximeter calculates the parking fee itself, but in ride-hailing apps, you have to keep an eye on this issue yourself.

It is crucial that you are in constant contact with the passenger and make it clear that after a certain waiting time there will be additional costs.

cow in a taxi

Unusual journeys – When to refuse travel?

Drivers, both traditional taxis and ride-hailing apps, often encounter unusual trip requests that may raise doubts or seem unprofitable.

Sometimes these are very short routes, other times they involve trips to dangerous areas of the city or at unusual times, and sometimes they involve specific passenger requests that go beyond standard transportation services.

In such situations, the driver should always carefully consider whether it is worth accepting such an order , and in some cases – simply refuse.

The first warning sign may be a request for too short a ride , especially in transportation apps.

Passengers sometimes order a ride several streets away, which may seem unprofitable to the driver, especially during rush hour when he could take a longer and more advantageous ride.

In such situations, it is worth considering in advance whether such a trip is worth the effort. If you have many other orders or the demand for trips is high, you can politely decline , explaining that you would rather do longer trips.

However, if there is little traffic at the moment and you have time, such a short course can be an opportunity for you to earn money quickly.

Another case is requests for rides to dangerous or less-traveled areas of the city , especially late at night. If the ride raises concerns, e.g. you know the area is known for incidents or the passenger is acting suspiciously, don't be afraid to decline.

Remember, your safety is the most important thing!

In such situations, it is always worth trusting your intuition – if you feel that something is wrong, it is better not to take the risk.

In traditional taxis, drivers usually have more freedom to assess the situation, while in ride-hailing apps it is also possible to refuse a ride if the driver feels threatened or uncomfortable.

Passat full of packages

Another common problem are rates where a passenger underestimates the fare or tries to negotiate a price below the standard price.

In traditional taxis, where the fare is charged by a taximeter, such situations are rare, but in transport apps, passengers sometimes try to "negotiate" a lower rate by asking for a ride outside the app's system.

Not only is this illegal , but it is also disadvantageous to the driver, the platform loses the ability to track the course via GPS and because of this you may not get paid.

If a passenger offers to make a trip without the app or taximeter turned on, or for a rate set outside the system, it is almost always worth refusing and sticking to the rules. Unless they pay in gold.

Ultimately, such a trip may end in losses, and the driver has no evidence of fulfilling the order in the event of a dispute.

What's more, even if you accept such a rate and establish the rules in advance, it is still worth turning on the taximeter in case it turns out that at the end of the order your client changes the initial arrangements.

There are also situations where a passenger requests a ride, but immediately mentions performing additional tasks , e.g. shopping, collecting parcels, or even transporting items instead of people.

These types of requests may also require caution on the part of the driver.

If the implementation of such orders is profitable and fits into your schedule, it is worth establishing clear rules - specifying an additional fee and the conditions for performing such a service.

However, if a passenger tries to get additional services without agreeing to a higher salary, do not hesitate to refuse. Your goal is to earn in a way that is fair and beneficial to you, not to discount the price list every time.


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