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  • Writer's pictureDamian Brzeski

Mevo Gdańsk - City bike for minutes

Gdańsk, a city with a rich, centuries-old history and unique culture, offers its residents and tourists not only wonderful monuments and picturesque streets, but also modern solutions that facilitate the exploration of its corners.

One of them is Mevo - an innovative city bike system that has revolutionized the way people move around the city.

Mevo is not an ordinary bicycle system; is a combination of technology, ecology and comfort that responds to the growing needs of residents and visitors in terms of sustainable mobility.

In the article below, we will take a closer look at how the Mevo city bike system developed, from its turbulent beginnings, through the moment of suspension of operations, to its triumphant return like a phoenix from the ashes in a new, better version. You will read about how the city bike in Gdańsk became a key element of the urban landscape .

You will also discover how the current Mevo 2.0 system, equipped with over 4,000 bicycles, most of them with electric support, allows residents and guests of Gdańsk to discover the city again without stress, in harmony with nature and on their own terms.

We invite you to read it, which will not only introduce you to the world of Mevo, but also inspire you to go on a bicycle adventure around Gdańsk, using one of the most innovative transport solutions in Poland.

Mevo city bike in Gdańsk standing at the base station

The turbulent beginnings of the city bike system in Gdańsk

The Mevo system, which was initially launched in March 2019, encountered difficulties related to the availability and reliability of bicycles, which resulted in its closure after six months of operation. Nevertheless, after almost five years, the project has been reactivated with a new operator, City Bike Global, and now offers 4,000 bikes, including 3,000 electric bikes, which is a significant addition to Gdańsk's public transport system, although it requires a separate subscription.

The new version of the system, Mevo 2.0, is now fully functional. Testing of the system has been ongoing for the past three months, starting with 100 bikes and then increasing the fleet to a full four thousand bikes. The Spanish operator, City Bike Global, successfully fulfilled the terms of the contract, which enabled the system to be fully launched even before the start of the winter season.

This means that residents of 16 metropolitan communes can now use the system.

The change of a key subcontractor responsible for both "electric" bicycles and the IT system was one of the reasons for conducting tests in the autumn.

Despite some difficulties related to the change of bicycle manufacturer and the need to engage a new IT company, the Mevo 2.0 system was finally implemented. It is worth noting that during the initial testing phase, the Mevo city bike was the most popular among all systems in Europe, reaching on average up to 10 bike rentals per day.

The Mevo 2.0 system now covers the entire Tricity and its surroundings, offering bicycles equipped with basic lighting and GPS, which makes it easier to locate them using the official application.

Most bikes are powered by an electric motor that helps you negotiate Gdańsk's hills, but turns off when the speed exceeds 25 km/h to avoid speeding. However, batteries are a limitation of the system, as the bike can only be rented when the battery level is at least 20%.

The aim of the new Mevo system is to provide residents and tourists with access to a convenient and ecological way of moving around Gdańsk and the surrounding area, complementing and enriching the existing public transport system.

How to use a Mevo city bike – step by step guide

Using Mevo in Gdańsk is simple and intuitive, which makes the system available to anyone who wants to move around the city conveniently.

Here are the steps you need to follow to enjoy riding Mevo bikes:

  1. Registration in the system : The first step is to register in the Mevo system via the official website or mobile application. This requires providing basic personal information and payment method.

  2. Topping up your account : After registering, you need to top up your account by maintaining a minimum balance (usually around PLN 10), which will enable you to start using the bikes.

  3. Choosing a tariff plan : Users can choose between a subscription and a per-minute driving system. Subscriptions often offer a set number of driving minutes each day, which can be beneficial for regular users.

  4. Bike rental : Using the Mevo app, users can locate and book the nearest available bike. Reservations usually take 10 minutes, giving you time to get to your bike. A map of city bike stations is also available on the website .

  5. Start Riding : To start riding, simply scan the QR code on the bike. The system will automatically unlock the bike, allowing you to start riding.

  6. End of ride : At the end of the ride, the bike must be returned to one of the many Mevo stations, which will end the rental and stop charging fees. Returning the bike outside the station is possible, but incurs an additional fee.

The Mevo system is equipped with electrically assisted bicycles, which makes it easier to overcome long distances and the hills of Gdańsk. Thanks to this, users can enjoy a comfortable ride without excessive effort. We encourage you to use this modern form of transport, which is not only comfortable, but also environmentally friendly.

How much is it? Overview of Mevo fees and subscriptions

The Mevo system offers various tariff plans to adapt to the individual needs of users.

Here is an overview of the available pricing options (Mevo Price List):

  • The monthly subscription costs PLN 29.99 and includes 120 minutes of riding a traditional bike every day. Using an e-bike doubles your minutes usage, which means that each minute you ride an e-bike costs two minutes of your allowance.

  • The annual subscription is available for PLN 259, also offering 120 minutes of driving each day under the same conditions as the monthly subscription.

  • For those who need a bike for a shorter period of time, there is a 48-hour plan, which for PLN 59 provides 480 minutes of riding on a traditional bike or 240 minutes on an electric bike.

After using the minutes they are entitled to, users pay for each additional minute of driving.

Price per minute of driving after using the subscription:

  • PLN 0.10 per minute of riding a traditional bike,

  • PLN 0.20 per minute of riding an electric bike .

The system also offers the option of paying per minute , without the need to purchase a subscription, where the rates are PLN 0.15 per minute for a traditional bike and PLN 0.30 per minute for an electric bike.

Additionally, a fee of PLN 10 is charged for leaving a bicycle outside the Mevo station . It is important to return the bike within the Mevo zone, as leaving it outside the Mevo zone is associated with high financial penalties.

The Mevo system is therefore adapted to the various needs of users, from occasional trips to regular commuting, while offering flexibility and convenience. Thanks to the variety of tariff plans, everyone can find an option that suits their needs and lifestyle.

More information can be found on the official website of the city bike system in Gdańsk:

A dozen or so mevo city bikes with electric support

The best bicycle routes in Gdańsk with Mevo

Gdańsk offers many picturesque bicycle routes that allow you to discover the charms of the city from the saddle of a Mevo bike.

Here are some proposals that will certainly be of interest to both residents and tourists:

  1. Route along the Motława River – Perfect for those who want to admire the historic parts of Gdańsk. This route leads through Długie Pobrzeże, past the famous Crane, to Ołowianka Island, offering wonderful views of the Gdańsk Old Town.

  2. Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia bicycle route – For those who want to combine sightseeing with active recreation. This bicycle route allows you to ride through the entire Tricity, offering views of the sea and access to the beaches and the pier in Sopot.

  3. Oliwski Park – The route through one of the most beautiful parks in Gdańsk is perfect for people looking for peace and relaxation among greenery. Oliwa Park delights with its old trees, streams and historic buildings, creating an ideal background for cycling escapades.

  4. Pachołek Hill in Oliwa - For more experienced cyclists, the route to Pachołek Hill offers a bit of a challenge due to the hills, but rewards with beautiful panoramas of the Tricity from the viewpoint at the top.

  5. The route around Lake Otomińskie – Located a bit further from the center, but perfect for nature lovers. This route offers a leisurely ride around the lake, through forests and green areas, allowing you to observe wild fauna and flora.

Of course, these are not all the routes you can go on by bike that may interest you. There are also the bicycle route from the sea to the Oliwa Park, the Gdańsk Loop, the loop around Złota Karczma, the bicycle route around Letnica and Nowy Port, the loop around Brzeźno, the loop on Sobieszowska Island, the bicycle route to Stogi and the route from the south to the Oliwski Forest.

Each of them offers unique views and experiences, from the picturesque coast to the green areas of landscape parks and forests.

By using Mevo bikes, you can easily move between tourist hotspots, enjoying the freedom and independence of cycling.

Don't forget to check the availability of Mevo stations near the places you are interested in when planning your cycling day in Gdańsk.

Are you ready for a cycling adventure with Mevo?

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