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  • Writer's pictureDamian Brzeski

Taxi News 2# - August News from the World of Taxi

Do you know what changes await the taxi industry in Warsaw? New regulations, higher rates and the elimination of zones - this is just the beginning of the revolution in taxi services.

And this is just one of many important events in the taxi world that have taken place recently. Want to know more? Read the article and find out what else August brought to the transport industry.

New taxi in Gdańsk

New Maximum Rate for Taxi Rides in Warsaw

From September 22, 2024, new regulations regarding taxi fares, adopted by the City Council in June this year, will come into force in Warsaw. These changes are intended to adapt tariffs to current economic conditions and simplify the rules for settling rides in the capital.

The most important changes include:

  • Maximum entry fee: Will be set at PLN 12, while the previous rate was PLN 8.

  • Maximum rate per kilometre in the daily tariff: Will be increased to PLN 4, compared to the previous PLN 3.

  • The maximum rate per kilometre in the night tariff and on public holidays: Will be PLN 6, which is an increase from the previous PLN 4.50.

  • Maximum rate per hour of parking: Set at PLN 80, while the previous rate was PLN 40.

The decision to increase rates was dictated by the rising costs of maintaining vehicles and the need to standardize rates throughout the city. The new regulations also eliminate the division into zones, which means that regardless of where in Warsaw, passengers will pay the same rates.

The changes are being introduced to improve the quality of taxi services and provide greater transparency for customers. Additionally, all licensed taxis will be required to have clear signage informing about the applicable rates, which will increase safety and protect passengers from potential abuse.

Increased Taxis Checks Carried Out by KAS

At the turn of August and September 2024, the National Revenue Administration (KAS) began intensifying taxi inspections throughout Poland. This campaign aims to verify whether taxi drivers are correctly settling their accounts with the tax office and complying with applicable regulations regarding passenger transport.

The inspections include checking transport licenses, the correct operation of cash registers, and compliance with regulations on the marking of vehicles and equipment.

During inspections, particular attention is paid to cases of avoiding fiscalisation obligations, which constitutes a serious breach of tax regulations.

One of the main goals of KAS activities is also to combat unfair competition in the transport industry, including combating the grey economy.

Many drivers, especially those cooperating with international ride-sharing platforms, are suspected of incomplete or unreliable reporting of income, which poses a threat to legally operating taxi companies.

The KAS action is part of a broader program of monitoring and enforcing fiscal regulations, which also covers other industries.

Initial inspection results indicate numerous irregularities that may result in the imposition of financial penalties and the withdrawal of transport licenses for dishonest taxi drivers.

Successful Rebranding and Further Electrification of the iTaxi Fleet

On June 11, 2024, iTaxi, one of the most popular transport companies in Poland, announced a large-scale brand rebranding and an ambitious fleet electrification plan. The new strategy, presented in the official brand spot, focuses on key values such as passenger comfort and safety, while introducing innovations and striving to minimize environmental impact.

As part of the rebranding, iTaxi introduced a new logo and visual identification, which are to better reflect the modern and lifestyle character of the brand. The campaign under the slogan "With Us to the Goal" promotes the company's new approach, which puts individual needs of users first.

The iTaxi mobile app has been updated to better meet customer expectations, offering a more intuitive interface and modern features.

One of the most important elements of iTaxi's new strategy is the electrification of its fleet. The company announced that the first Tesla Model Ys with a new, refreshed branding will hit the streets of Warsaw in September 2024.

By the end of the year, 10% of the fleet is to be electric cars, and iTaxi has committed that 80% of its vehicles will be electric by 2030.

The rebranding of iTaxi was positively received in the industry, and experts emphasize that such actions are necessary for the company to compete in the increasingly demanding transport services market.

Long-term fleet electrification plans show that iTaxi not only adapts to global ecological trends, but also actively contributes to the sustainable development of transport in Poland.

As part of cooperation with selected partners, iTaxi also intends to expand the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles to enable quick and efficient implementation of modern solutions in the city.

Hong Kong - New Premium Taxi Regulations

In August 2024, the Hong Kong government announced new regulations to strengthen local taxi services by introducing so-called premium taxis. The new regulations aim to increase the quality of taxi services and better compete with ride-sharing platforms.

Premium taxis will offer a higher standard of service, including modern, luxurious vehicles and qualified drivers. The government has also announced tougher penalties for illegal transport, which aims to reduce the grey zone in the transport industry.

Taxi Drivers Strike in Delhi-NCR

In India, the Delhi-NCR region saw a two-day taxi strike in August 2024. Protesting drivers are protesting the rising cost of running their vehicles and the lack of regulation for platforms like Uber and Ola.

Taxi drivers are demanding that the government introduce stricter regulations that would ensure they compete equally with international ride-sharing giants. The strike has caused significant traffic disruptions and disruptions to the daily functioning of public transport.

Toronto Train Crisis

In Toronto, Canada, a taxi fleet replacement crisis has broken out in 2024. Under new regulations, as many as 65% of standard taxis must be replaced in 2024 due to maximum vehicle age regulations.

The problems are compounded by a global shortage of new cars, which is making it extremely difficult for taxi owners to purchase new vehicles.

Many taxi companies and individual owners are struggling with the lack of vehicle availability and long waiting times, which can significantly impact the availability of taxi services in the city.



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